Karolina Cecot - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
Karolina Cecot artist avatar
Karolina Cecot

Tattoo Artist

Kraków, Poland


Он говорит на языках


О пользователе

Tatuuje od 4 lat, w wolnym czasie duuużo rysuje, czytam, robię ilustracje, czasem pracuje za barem. Dużo też podróżuje, co ma często związek z tatuowaniem! ENG I've been tattooing for 4 years, drawing a looot in my free time, reading, making illustrations, sometimes I work behind the bar. I'm travelingf travels a lot, which is often related to tattooing!

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undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo

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