Он говорит на языках
О пользователе
J Σ D Multi-disciplinary arty, design-y guy, inker, zeitgeist jockey & dancefloor tragic 🕺🏻🇦🇺 am Jed. J.E.D. stands for Jonathon Earl de Pyper, but 'Jed' just has a lot less syllables. After a scholarship in graphic design, I spent the years 2001-2012 in advertising in Sydney, Australia. I've been an art director, creative, writer, graphic designer and illustrator. The three main agencies I worked at were Saatchi & Saatchi, BMF and The Monkeys. I collected a few awards along the way, including 4 silver and 4 bronze Award awards, a Cannes finalist and a One Show finalist. Campaigns I've created have accumulated more than 2 million views on Youtube (to date), broken a Guinness World record and grown people out of hair and beer. True story. In 2012 I took a break from full-time advertising to focus on my art. I've supported myself since then by tattooing and freelancing. My three solo exhibitions sold out. In May 2017 I moved to Amsterdam because I wanted to feel even shorter. I enjoy films with explosions in them, films without explosions in them, challenging music and going fast on motorcycles.
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