jedrzejloga - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
jedrzejloga artist avatar

Tattoo Artist

Poznań, Poland


О пользователе

Tatuowaniem zajmuję się około 4 lata, lubię tatuować małe listki, roślinki jak i duże kompozycje. Motywem łączącym moje wzory są malutkie kropki. ENG I have been tattooing for about 4 years, I like to tattoo small leaves, plants and large compositions. The motif connecting my patterns are tiny dots.

undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo