HALODARIA - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
HALODARIA artist avatar

Tattoo Artist

Kraków, Poland


Он говорит на языках


О пользователе

Make Art Tattoo (Kraków) Daria Malińska - Rozchwytywana mistrzyni portretu. Ukończyła ASP. W jej przypadku to także skrót od Absolutny Spokój i Profesjonalizm. W swoich pracach preferuje czernie i szarości, ale wykonuje też kolorowe tatuaże. Dba o swoich klientów jak nikt inny. Nieustannie zaskakuje nas poziomem swoich prac. ENG Daria Malińska - Wanted master of portraiture. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. In her case, it is also an abbreviation of Absolute Calm and Professionalism. In her works she prefers black and gray, but she also makes colorful tattoos. She cares about her clients like no other. She constantly surprises us with the level of her work.

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undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo

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