Ferrousik - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
Ferrousik artist avatar

Katowice, Poland

О пользователе

My philosophy of life and job has a strong connection. The hidden processes of tattooing a customer not even guess. I'm going to share my inner processes escorting a tattoo session. Such processes are meditative for me. But it is not a solo-meditation like in a drawing process, it's a meditation for both me and my client. According to the Human design classification, I am a Projector and this means that I am sensitive for people and their mental condition. My sense of the human's mental condition is strong, especially while tattooing. The connection is so close that I feel it without any words. As a rule, the words don't reflect one's mental condition at all. The customer's reaction to pain tells me a lot. It can vary: aggression, laugh, tears, nervousness, silence. It shows the location of the pain and what psychological block it is responsible for. During the tattooing session, I strongly pay attention to my breath. I become my breath literally. The straightness of the lines depends on my breath that is why I prefer to keep silence while creating a tattoo. I am drawing a line only at the moment of an inhale or breath-holding. At the moment of an exhale I wipe the ink from the skin. Concentrating on the needle, skin, realizing my "infusion" into your body, I'm starting to imagine how I'm channelling love and light from the higher power through me to you. When you make a tattoo you change the sacred geometry of your body. You can change it as to the best, so to the worst. That is why both side positive energy is of great importance. That is the reason I can refuse a customer in making a tattoo. If at the moment of written conversation something goes wrong and I realize that I wouldn't be able to give a client only positive vibes, I refuse.

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