Edoardo Tabacchi Tattoo - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
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Edoardo Tabacchi Tattoo

Tattoo Artist


Milan, Italy


О пользователе

Fine Line Tattoo Artist. Edoardo Tabacchi is a 31-year-old boy who, at first glance, everything looks like a thoughtful and profound person: arrogant attitude, wild hair, torn jeans and tattoos all over his body. A strange combination that makes it attractive and desirable but which, behind the appearance of hard, conceals a great emotional intelligence. Rebel but introspective, with a veiled melancholy that feeds the creative spirit, Sir Edward - as they called him to school for the Lord's mustache - is a very popular Milanese tattoo artist, who has always followed the heart by distorting the stereotypes.

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