AYOR_TATTOO - портфолио тату-мастера на INKsearch
AYOR_TATTOO artist avatar

Tattoo Artist


Sopot, Poland

О пользователе

Dziaram od 2013 roku. Styl w jakim pracuje to neotradycyjny i napisy z free handu. Pracuje w kolorze i szarościach. Jestem założycielem BLACK CATS TATTOO. Studio powstało w 2017 roku i jest w Sopocie. Dlaczego tatuuje? Bo to jest najlepsza praca na świecie :) lubię być niezależny, dużo podróżuje. ENG I have been drawing since 2013. The style in which I work is neotraditional and free hand subtitles. Works in color and grays. I am the founder of BLACK CATS TATTOO. The studio was established in 2017 and is located in Sopot. Why do I tattoo? Because it is the best job in the world :) I like being independent, I travel a lot.

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undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo

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